Ten years Book Fair 2024

Breaking News: Ten Years in Publishing, Book Fair 2024 There’s a rumour going around, next year will be my tenth year in publishing. Breaking News yes it’s true. I’ve been hearing about Conway Hall, book fair, and have been asked to run the Brockway room. I will be responsible for publishers following the rules and for selecting poets to read with no over running. All readers must read from a new book published in 2024.


An announcement is coming very soon.

 very soon right now!

Conway Hall booked 2024

Celebrating 10 years in publishing

Book Fair 2024 Now covid is over I was looking forward to the return of the Free Verse Poetry Book Fair contacting Julia i was told not having one 2024, I thought wouldn’t it be nice to have all the publishers and bookseller back in the heart of bloombury the wonderful Conway hall. A fabulous day of all kind of publishers, and the public has the opportunity to talk to us all,

2024 will signal 10 years of William Cornelius Harris Publishing, aka London Poetry Books . In this last decade we have published ‘Hidden London Poets’, talented writers whose work covers a range of human emotion and who, we believe, deserve to be in general circulation.

You will find our titles here at London Poetry Books:


To mark this 10th year of publishing we invite you to be a part of our first poetry book fair to be held at Conway Hall.

Publishers Tables: 

Half table £45

Full table £65

Early booking discount:

Half table £35.

Full table £55.

Booking and further enquiries please contact:



Contact Us: 


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