Dark Matter


Dark Matter explores the thin line between lust and destruction, revealing a blasted spectrum where thirsty raindrops cause havoc between wet sheets, and from the windows view young girls are hanging by rope from the mango tree; from vast twisted tempests, where Miranda carries Caliban’s spawn, to the moist incubator of a breathless baby on the very edge of life, Amy Neilson


Dark Matter By Amy Neilson Smith

Dark Matter explores the thin line between lust and destruction, revealing a blasted spectrum where thirsty raindrops cause havoc between wet sheets, and from the windows view young girls are hanging by rope from the mango tree; from vast twisted tempests, where Miranda carries Caliban’s spawn, to the moist incubator of a breathless baby on the very edge of life, Amy Neilson Smith’s work burrows into the bones of what is so viscerally here – and what is so nearly not.It’s the after taste of life’s losses, all sewn together with a lifeline of light.   

                                                          Dark Matter

Amy Neilson Smith’s poetry is lively work, displaying an exuberant love of words that will leave the reader eager for more – an engaging talent. Agnes Meadows, Poet/ Writer, Loose Muse – Morgan’s Eye Press Amy’s work is the thorn and the petals, the whole complicated rose. Dark Matter can now be found on South London Poetry Books


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Product Details

ISBN 9780993229312
Edition FIRST
Publisher William Cornelius Harris publishing
Published  Oct 2015
Language English
Pages 48
Binding Perfect-bound Paperback
Interior Ink Black & white
Weight 0.12 kg
Dimensions (centimetres) 14.81 wide x 20.98 tall

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