Morden and other Tourist Destinations


Cras in blandit semper eget interdum lacus ultrices ultricies malesuada magna nullam velit, elit scelerisque imperdiet natoque mi velit volutpat quis nibh sagittis orci sem orci sit feugiat mauris, auctor mauris malesuada lectus ut dictum massa turpis a quis tellus aliquam amet malesuada enim ac orci leo arcu justo blandit.


Morden and other Tourist Destinations

Amy Deakin is a performance poet and writer based in South London. She has always lived in Morden, and is therefore allowed to slag it off. Her work has been described as ‘full of character and personality’. Morden and other tourist destinations is her first collection and can be found on London Poetry Books


Product Details

ISBN 9781911232094
Copyright Amy Deakin (Standard Copyright Licence)
Edition first edition
Publisher William Cornelius Harris Publishing
Published 2nd Sept 2017
Language English
Pages 44
Binding Perfect-bound Paperback
Interior Ink Black & white
Weight 0.11 kg
Dimensions (centimetres) 14.81 wide x 20.98 tall

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